Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Manual cleanup of failed CRS installation (10gR2)

Manual cleanup of CRS installation

At times we will have to perform a manual cleanup of failed CRS installation or some old CRS installation that was done.

Oracle provides two scripts to cleanup the CRS, The names and location of the scripts are given below.

1) Run script located at ‘$ORA_CRS_HOME/install’ directory

2) Run script located at ‘$ORA_CRS_HOME/install’ directory

If the CRSHOME is deleted before running the above mentioned scripts then, one can follow the following steps to cleanup the CRS manually.

Note: The locations used in the following cleanup process are based on the LINUX platform, the locations may slightly differ with the corresponding flavor of the OS.

Manual Cleanup of CRS on LINUX

1. Remove below mentioned files as root user on ALL NODES that form a CLUSTER

rm /etc/oracle/*

rm -f /etc/init.d/init.cssd

rm -f /etc/init.d/

rm -f /etc/init.d/init.crsd

rm -f /etc/init.d/init.evmd

rm -f /etc/rc2.d/

rm -f /etc/rc2.d/

rm -f /etc/rc3.d/

rm -f /etc/rc3.d/

rm -f /etc/rc5.d/

rm -f /etc/rc5.d/

rm -Rf /etc/oracle/scls_scr

rm -f /etc/

cp /etc/inittab.orig /etc/inittab

2. If the EVM, CRS and CSS processes are not already down then kill them off as root user on ALL NODES

ps -ef | grep evm

kill 'evm_pid'

ps -ef | grep crs

kill 'crs_pid'

ps -ef | grep css

kill 'css_pid'

3. Remove the files in /var/tmp/.oracle or /tmp/.oracle on ALL NODES

rm -f /var/tmp/.oracle/*


rm -f /tmp/.oracle/*

4. Make sure that you remove the ocr.loc at /etc/oracle on ALL NODES

5. De-install the CRS home using the Oracle Universal Installer; this is to remove the CRS home from inventory. Installer may not be able to remove all the files, because CRS home is already deleted, but this will help in cleaning up the inventory.

6. Remove the CRS install location on ALL NODES

7. Remove OCR and Voting disk from shared location from any 1 node

Once these steps are performed then the hosts are ready for the next CRS installation.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Data guard broker

Data Guard Broker

Data guard broker is an assistance utility given along with the Oralce Software, which can be used to create and manage the data guard configurations. Data guard broker consists of server side and client side components.

The server side components include dataguard monitor (DMON) and configuration files. The client side components include Data guard manager and Command line interface (CLI).

Data guard broker manages a data guard configuration using a broker management model. The broker management model is a hierarchial structure comprised of configuration,site and database resources. Broker can manage all three layers of the management model.

Dataguard broker can manage the proimary database and upto nine (9) standby databases in one configuration (in Oacle 10g). These nine standby database can be a mixture of physical and logical standby databases. Standby databases can be created using data guard broker. In addition, it can be used to add an existing standby database to a configuration.

When a standby database is created using Data guard broker, broker takes care of the entire set of supportinf files such as SPFILE, oracle net configuration files, etc., if in case an existing standby database is to be added to the data guard configuration, the SPFILE and oracle net files must be explicitly configured manually before the standby database is added to a configuration. If data guard broker is to be used for the management of standby databases, SPFILE must be used on all the databases.

Some of the advantages of using dataguard broker are listed:

1. It is a centralized management tool that can be used to manage the data guard configuration using a CLI / GUI interface.

2. It reduces the complexity of role management services (Switchover and Failover).

3. It provides an extensive health check mechanism for both the primary and standby databases.

4. It can be used to gather useful statistics for fine tuning the log transfer and log appky services.

In oracle 9i Dataguard broker cannot be used with Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC). RAC support is provided with Oracle 10g.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Obsolete Parameters for 9i

The following are the obsolete parameters for 9i

1 ) _average_dirties_half_life 2 ) _lm_statistics
3 ) allow_partial_sn_results 4 ) always_anti_join
5 ) always_semi_join 6 ) arch_io_slaves
7 ) b_tree_bitmap_plans 8 ) backup_disk_io_slaves
9 ) cache_size_tdreshold 10 ) cleanup_rollback_entries
11 ) close_cached_open_cursors 12 ) compatible_no_recovery
13 ) complex_view_merging 14 ) cpu_count
15 ) db_block_checkpoint_batch 16 ) db_block_lru_extended_statisti
17 ) db_block_lru_latches 18 ) db_block_lru_statistics
19 ) db_block_max_dirty_target 20 ) db_file_simultaneous_writes
21 ) delayed_logging_block_cleanout 22 ) discrete_transactions_enabled
23 ) distributed_lock_timeout 24 ) distributed_recovery_connectio
25 ) distributed_transactions 26 ) dblink_encrypt_login
27 ) fast_full_scan_enabled 28 ) freeze_DB_for_fast_instance_re
29 ) gc_defer_time 30 ) gc_latches
31 ) gc_lck_procs 32 ) gc_releasable_locks
33 ) gc_rollback_locks 34 ) hash_multiblock_io_count
35 ) instance_nodeset 36 ) job_queue_interval
37 ) job_queue_keep_connections 38 ) large_pool_min_alloc
39 ) lgwr_io_slaves 40 ) lm_locks
41 ) lm_procs 42 ) lm_procs
43 ) lm_ress 44 ) lock_sga_areas
45 ) log_block_checksum 46 ) log_files
47 ) log_simultaneous_copies 48 ) log_small_entry_max_size
49 ) log_archive_buffers 50 ) log_archive_buffer_size
51 ) ogms_home 52 ) ops_admin_group
53 ) ops_interconnects 54 ) optimizer_percent_parallel
55 ) optimizer_search_limit 56 ) parallel_default_max_instances
57 ) parallel_min_message_pool 58 ) parallel_server_idle_time
59 ) parallel_transaction_resource_ 60 ) push_join_predicate
61 ) row_cache_cursors 62 ) sequence_cache_entries
63 ) sequence_cache_hash_buckets 64 ) shared_pool_reserved_min_alloc
65 ) snapshot_refresh_interval 66 ) snapshot_refresh_keep_connecti
67 ) snapshot_refresh_processes 68 ) sort_direct_writes
69 ) sort_multiblock_read_count 70 ) sort_read_fac
71 ) sort_spacemap_size 72 ) sort_write_buffer_size
73 ) sort_write_buffers 74 ) spin_count
75 ) temporary_table_locks 76 ) text_enable
77 ) use_ism